LoveLocalJobs Foundation C.I.C are delighted to have partnered with Rolls-Royce Motor Cars on the Dare to Dream programme supporting year 9 students from schools in and around Chichester. The programme was supported by business volunteers across the Rolls Royce Business who participated in virtual mentoring sessions between May and July 2021 sharing their experiences and stories regarding their life and career journeys.
Rolls-Royce has supported the Foundation's previous programmes in line with its commitment to creating employment and training opportunities for young people and developing future talent for the UK manufacturing sector.
Mark Adams, Director of Human Resources, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars said:
“We've been privileged to work with these amazing and talented young people through Dare to Dream. For them, it's been a unique opportunity to learn from people working in a large, diverse, globally famous company that's also very much part of their own world and community. And for our colleagues, it's been a chance to reflect on their personal experiences, and share crucial lessons and insights from their work at Rolls-Royce. The response from the young people themselves, our partner institutions and the programme team has been fantastic; we very much hope to be involved again next year."
As the programme concluded, Chris Willshire, Careers Co-ordinator at the Academy Selsey, said, "All our Year 9 students have benefitted from the Dare to Dream programme this year. The students chosen for one-to-one mentoring with Rolls-Royce staff have had individual conversations about their hopes and dreams, prompting students to think about their future selves. Having someone from outside school to chat to, who is not a family member, has a real positive impact on them. They are now thinking about their skills, interests and opportunities for the future."
In a specially recorded video message, Jack 'The Lad' Hayes, former local radio presenter and now Programme Lead for Dare to Dream, said, "Thanks to Rolls-Royce, dozens upon dozens of students have said how much they've benefitted from Dare to Dream, how much more positive they feel about their futures, and how much more confident they feel about their place in the world and what they can achieve. We can't do this work, changing these young lives, without your support; we hope to work with you again soon."